Company Overview
At AksharChem is not only about the destination that we have arrived at. It is more about the path that we took, the journey that we made and the challenges that we faced. It is more about our determination, persistence, resilience and will. It is more about where we intend to go from here.
Today, we are one of the fastest growing vinyl sulphone manufacturers in India.
Today, we are India’s leading exporters of vinyl sulphone.
Today, we are one of the most trusted and reputed vinyl sulphone suppliers to the world’s leading chemical companies.
Today, we are one of the most environment friendly chemical companies across the globe.

Key Highlights

Achieved 80% capacity utilisation through better planning and ensuring higher plant uptime.

Invested in packaging automation system for better packaging quality, reducing manual errors and speeding up operations.

Enhanced negotiation skills with suppliers and secured supply of key raw materials by entering into long term contracts.

Provided training to technical and shop floor personnel with a focus on enhancing productivity.

Enhanced overseas operations through acquiring new customers.
Global Reach